Nursing Innovation
Coming soon, the Jeanne Donlevy Arnold Center for Nursing Innovation will lead the charge in Maine for nursing education. Looking boldly toward the future, the center’s teachings will foster ideas that defy expectation and push the healthcare field forward.
● Leading the way: We pride ourselves on being a leader in nursing education and we're taking that a step further by building a state-of-the-art Center for Nursing Innovation in response to the nation’s healthcare industry’s need for educational programs for nurses.
● What to expect: The Center will include five SIM Labs (hospital and home care), renovating and enhancing Microbiology labs and Anatomy and Physiology labs. Additionally, new scholarship funds for nursing students will be established, Clinical Space will be guaranteed (a rare promise), and a variety of nursing educational advancement opportunities will be offered through new and advanced healthcare partnerships.
What differentiates a nurse that comes from St. Joseph's from the rest of the world is their caring attitude and their approach to being community oriented with their patients. But we also help people learn how to be professional and caring, and we're known for that.
So here at St. Joseph's we're very excited to introduce a Jeanne Arnold Center for Nursing Innovation. Innovation is taking things that are and using them in creative and new ways. So all schools have high fidelity sim-labs. We're trying to create a scenario where we use them in the best cutting edge ways to make sure it meets the needs of the student.
There's always a moment where things from class click. We've all had situations where we see something go wrong with a patient and we make a dock connection from what happened in class. Saint Jo's really is focused towards the student and helping the student find where they're going to fit in the world.